They gathered information from over 800 paddy fields and followed up to collect yield data from more than 600 farms after harvest. The first project demonstrated the success of leveraging low-cost digital tools to efficiently collect yield data in collaboration with smallholder farmers. Field agents used the ECAAS toolkit to collect field boundary and other farm data. This project, called "Optimizing Crop Yield Data Collection for Supply Chain Enhancement," aimed to test the scalability of collecting rice paddy yield data using the OpenDataKit toolkit.

In 2022, UMD implemented a project funded by the Enabling Crop Analytics at Scale (ECAAS) in Katavi, Tanzania. The goals of this collaborative event were to review the sampling frame design and develop a field campaign to collect maize yield data for the upcoming harvest season and discuss long-term, sustainable data collection and utilization. In July 2023, the NASA Harvest team hosted a week-long workshop with key project partners - the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and the Kenya Space Agency (KSA). This new project, “ Developing a Framework for Regional Yield Data Collection ,” is supported by the Enabling Crop Analytics at Scale (ECAAS) initiative and builds off the success and lessons learned from NASA Harvest’s ECAAS Phase-1 project. In support of AGRA’s Regional Food Balance Sheet (RFBS), the NASA Harvest team at the University of Maryland (UMD) is developing a regional yield sampling framework for evaluating and building a consistent ground dataset for regional yield assessment. Additionally, data from typical agricultural censuses is rarely directly usable for crop-yield estimation and evaluating remotely sensed or derived yield estimates.

This gap exists because most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa do not conduct consistent and timely yield assessments. Catherine Nakalembe, UMD Diana Frimpong, UMD Kennedy Anahinga, Kenya Ministry of Agriculture Esther Maina, Kenya Space Agency John Juma Katana, Kenya Ministry of Agriculture Taryn Devereux, UMD Jane Kioko, Kenya Ministry of Agriculture Peter Okello, Kenya Space Agency.Īcross East and Southern Africa, there persists a critical gap in available crop analytics - specifically, a lack of robust and readily available field data collection to support model development, evaluation, and validation. Participants from the July 2023 ECAAS workshop hosted by NASA Harvest at the University of Maryland.